“Moe Sucks” is, for the most part, an anime-centric blog. I (E Minor) maintain the site with contributions from Nyoro~n and Fin.
Right off the bat, I want to make it clear that “Moe Sucks” isn’t pretending to be some “anime blog with a twist.” I’m neither an academic nor a troll. I just want to talk about anime from my perspective. On that same token, this is neither just an episodic blog nor one that focuses primarily on editorials. Personally, I think this particular distinction is a false dichotomy anyway.
To sum things up, “Moe Sucks” is a blank canvas for me to write about any anime I want in any style I want.
Anime Manga Encyclopedia is a blog dedicated to anime fans around the world to give knowledge relating to anime and manga world.
CosplayCloud is a community created to connect Belgian cosplayers and congoers. By offering an environment based on friendship and tolerance, while also offering a network and tools so people can keep in touch, we hope to bring people closer together. Our main goal is to offer a medium that would allow cosplayers and congoers to meet each other easily and keep in touch. We do this using our website and social media, but we also strive to frequently host meetings all over Belgium so cosplayers and congoers can keep in touch outside of cons. We also strive to have a strong presence on Belgian conventions and help out where we can by organizing activities and promoting local events.
By keeping the Belgian cosplay community active, we hope Belgian cosplayers will forge bonds and friendships that will bring years of happiness and great memories.
* You can always Contact me at Magraboje@hotmail.com if you have any questions, suggestions or if you want to become an affiliate.*