Naruto Shippūden Episode 206

On Monday 11 April 2011 0 comments

First of all i have to say that i am not a characterXcharacter kid that makes a problem about it if someone picks the one you hate with the one you love.

This time it will go about the recent released episode of Naruto shippûden.

Once again i am not waiting to see a shipping of narutard kiddies that can't act mature.
Yes, we are all shocked by the sudden confession by Sakura.

At first i was like 'wow, that took her long enough to realize'.
Then i was like 'ouch, bummer!'
Why? Well, I'll tell you why.

Hinata was first that's why!

Sakura was in love with Sasuke whole her life and after finding out that Naruto had feelings for her she was surprised.

I'm even surprised she never thought about that as Naruto was always following her as if she had honey between her legs. (If you don't get it then don't try to understand this.)

Team Sakura headed out to where Naruto was with the plan to make him stop trying to get Sasuke back which ended differently then they expected.

I do love Naruto's reaction and here comes the 'ouch, bummer!' He rejected her feelings as he knew she didn't love him like she loved Sasuke.

The worst thing was that she lied to him saying she did not love Sasuke anymore.

Many, including me, got a different opinion of Sakura now.

First love one and suddenly if she realizes that she can't get him she turns on the other one.

Better known as eating from two golden spoons and one breaks you still have the other one.

Also they have a new OP Which is 80% better then the last one.
I hate it if the OP's are only showing the main characters in it and almost nothing of the minor characters that also play crucial roles.

As for the for the fails :
Killer-bee raps and uses the metal sign with his hands... I know rap and metal DO NOT collaborate.
Except for Korn with Ice cube and Limp Bizkit..... And some others ....
Screw rap it's not music anymore it's nonsense nowadays...

Then back on topic.
The raikage has been chosen as leader of the allied Shinobi forces which does not end well if we consider his rage.
Oh but wait, that was only because his little brother got 'kidnapped' by the Akatsuki (oooooh).

~The Anima-Ture~


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