100 days dream

On Friday 3 August 2012 0 comments

~The Anima-Ture~

A girl, named Sa-Sook and her whole profile on page 1, can fly without putting any effort in it.
She just started flying and she has no need to move her legs.
She just has to stretch his arms and she is floating but what bothers me is that if she is just floating wouldn't she be unable to control where she is flying to?
She has another ability besides flying and that is being able to talk to all sort of things and she found a birds nest with hatchlings.
She tried to touch them but the mother pecked at her hand and she warned her.

The next thing she talks to is a tree that is lonely.
The tree is sad because it's only friend is hibernating because it is winter and leaves him with none to talk to.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us There is this weird thing that there is a sudden breeze making the girl 'float' against the tree and she thought of the tree's embrace as 'warm'.

She floats around again and a balloon is going past her and she hears a little kid telling her mom that the balloon is flying away.
The mother said to buy a new one but Sa-Sook brought the balloon back to the little girl which the little girl couldn't believe.
She wanted to tell her mother there was a person flying in the air and even the mother wondered how she got her balloon back but she did not believe the girl as children have a bright imagination.

Suddenly the girl 'wakes' up and we see her in the hospital in a wheelchair watching outside.
She probably has a weak body and is wishing to be able to fly like a bird does in the sky.

Art : Decent, it has a weird style but the backgrounds are just well done.
Story : Decent and touching.
Page-count : Could've been good with a couple more pages about why she is in the hospital so we get a better view why she wants to be able to fly.

I gave 100 Days Dream a 2.5 out of 5 on Anime Planet


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