Random Talk #58

On Sunday 23 February 2014 0 comments

~The Anima-Ture~


Hunter X Hunter (2011) 
Episode 115 - 117

Now with Knuckle replacing Shoot to fight Youpi i wonder what he is going to do.

He does not have the mobility like Shoot has, but had more power and more resilience on the hand.

It won't be long for Gon to go into a berserk rage and that the fight intensifies as everyone has their opponents.

I do want to see Gon's rage more than the fight of the King and Netero.

Shoot is in a critical position as he is now battling to stay conscious.

Meleoron wants to help Shoot but he can't as he has a job to do.

As everyone has to follow the plan, so has he and this is making him sad to see Shoot in this poor state.

I hope the Wolf guy quickly comes to an end or that he clears up his mind what to do.

I hate it that he gets screen time.

Gon and Killua entered the room where Neferpitou is and they see Pitou healing a girl.

Gon's rage is finally starting!

Pitou noticed Gon, but does as the King ordered despite Gon and Killua standing there.

Sadly enough i knew that Gon was not going to attack until Pitou has healed the girl.

In Gon's eyes it was not healing the girl, but reconstructing her into a monster.

Pitou bowed before Gon and placed both palms bare to beg Gon and Killua to let her continue healing Komugi.

Pitou kept begging Gon to let her save Komugi's life, but Gon's eyes are emotionless.

One wrong answer and Gon would attack.

He is getting confused and his anger is wakening even more as Pitou tells him it is to save the girl.

Killua is the only one that can reach Gon, but he is near the point of breaking down in anger because Killua asks Gon to trust Pitou.

At that moment Pitou broke her arm and to show her resolve and go back to pleading it offers its whole body.

This leaves Gon in an even more confusing state as he does not know what to do.

Anger, sadness, agitation and hatred are all brought forth in just one episode and perfectly too.

Gon was about to launch his signature move and Gon tells him that he won't get Kite back if he were to attack now.

This scene felt like Gon was going to turn on Killua.

Gon will now wait for an hour until Pitou is done healing the critical damage to Komugi's body and also keeps promise to go to Kite with Gon.

Cheetu is now going to fight Zeno, but got defeated by Killua's father in just a second.

I got to take back what i said about Knuckle not having the speed to escape Youpi.

At full stamina he can run faster than Cheetu, but we won't get to see this as Youpi does not give chase.

Knuckle is now getting angry because he and Shoot are being treated as lowly insects by Youpi.

For them death in battle would be a satisfying end, but as Knuckle noticed he was quite dumb he wanted to leave the room.

On that moment Knuckle made the mistake when he thought of bringing Shoot to safety.

Knuckle dropped Shoot without thinking about him and went back at Youpi, but this time he was angry.

Even Shoot was crying because he didn't die in battle because Youpi ignored him in his near death state.

Youpi is now losing his cool after he saw Knuckle reappear and transforms into a being of complete destruction and Knuckle runs at full speed with Shoot.

He keeps transforming and learns that his rage is his power, but only for a short time that he can use that power.

At that time he learned to use his power fully and for a reason which makes him even more deadly as before.

Nobunaga The Fool 
Episode 2

All the names are hurting my ears as they're all from great generals and leaders in the past.

Despite that not all are around the same year of events, they are working together to fight the other star.

Jeanne is quite the moody lady and Hideyoshi is sexually harassing her and gets punched in the face.

Jeanne is doubting if Nobunaga is the person she is looking for.

I might be wrong, but it looks that Nobunaga is a lover with his sister Ichi?

I don't dislike the animation of the armor war suits, but it is still a little bit edgy.


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