Asu No Yoichi! - Episode 1

On Sunday 16 September 2012 0 comments

~The Anima-Ture~

A 23 second long pre-intro before the intro piece and what does it shows us?

A girl that is wearing the typical shrine maiden outfit and cools herself down with a bucket of water.
This is just a hint that this series contains ecchi and would contain some fan-service.

After the intro we see a boy who is in the mountains fishing with his special techniques of the sword.
However, he got a surprise attack but he successfully defended himself from.....his father.

His father is quite funny as he calls his son too strong and that it makes him look bad.

He wants his son to decent the mountain and meet with other people.

What Yoichi does not know is that his ways and knowledge are from the time of samurai while they are in the modern age.

The father shot an arrow far away and it even passes a train and we get to see a couple girls.

The doorbell rings and the smallest girl is going to take a look and was yelling everyone awake because the arrow was what rang the doorbell.

The one doing the daily chores read the letter and tells the rest that there is a boy going to live with them.

Ayame is making a fuzz out of it because they used arrows as a message instead of a text message.

The others have no problem with it at all.

Back to Yoichi who has arrived in the city and looking at the map where is supposed to be but a thug ran into him and kicked his sword which is a direct insult for the warriors following the way of the samurai.
He was going to strike but we quickly see that he stopped his attack and just blew the thug away with the power of his wind.

The four girls waiting for him as he is late because he got arrested for use of weapons, they each separate because he is late and Yoichi is lost.
He was looking for a place high enough and met the escalator and with all his concentration he jumped on it.

He was paying attention to the floor and fell over in a cart and fell over in the dressing room where Ayame was checking some clothes.
She wanted to yell but he closed her mouth and apologized but grabbed her breast by accident.

She kicked him in the precious area of the man and yelled at him for grabbing something small and called him a pervert.
The mall security tried to catch him but at the same time a woman was yelling to stop a thief.

He ran after the thief and got him trapped but one of the girls, who has a fetish for boy-love and is called Chihaya, suddenly appeared and he ran into her.

It was all dark and he was thinking that the people of the city are masters in traps and suddenly he thinks of the sea, which makes me wonder how good it smells where he is....(pun)

He caught the thief eventually and met a little girl that was crying, whom is also one of the sisters.

He is helping her to get back to her sisters and explained what she was good at but he asked for visual appearance and she told him that she had large breasts.

He pointed to some girls but none of them had the large breasts that she said she had.
Eventually she found him and pointed her to him and he was amazed by the size of them.

He jumps down by holding a cable and the girl because the mall security wanted to grab him but got away and returned the girl and Ibuki noticed that he was the one they were waiting for.
He used his wind style to softly return the girl but the cable pulled hum back and threw him out on top of a train that was about to depart.
As dumb fooled as he was he was wondering what was happening and the train moved.

He kept sitting on that spot until the train arrived back at the same city at sunset.

Ibuki waited the whole time for him and welcomed him but the police officer arrested him.
He had a request before going to the police office and he apologized to everyone he caused trouble to and was released.

Once arriving at Ibuki's home the three sisters look at him and noticed he was the molester, the man with the special interest and the samurai.

He introduced himself and here ends this awesome episode.


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