Revy - Black Lagoon

On Thursday 29 December 2011 0 comments

~The Anima-Ture~

Revy is definitely one of a kind. Especially in the series of Black Lagoon. She's relentless and always gets what she wants. When she doesn't though, it's best to stay out of her way. If it's not every gun in the world she can bring out, she'll kick ass with her attitude.

Not much about Revy's past is ever detailed in this series. Although, just a little is revealed about why she is the way she is. She was born and raised in Chinatown, Manhattan where she first got her hands on a gun at a age of a young girl. She had practiced shooting and it definitely paid off, as they call her "Two hands" in the series. She's the best with two pistols in each hand. Specifically, two 9mm sword cutlass berettas that she's dead on target with.

Her lack of patience always gets to her, because she's always on the move and needs something to do. However the trait is good for the career she's in. Career? A career as a pirate, she'll smuggle, kill and trade anything for money. All Revy cares about is money and getting the job done to get it. She does what she needs to do without any conscience whatsoever. Revy will use her mouth, guns and personality to accomplish what she needs done.

She comes off as a very mean and sadistic killer. But, that almost covers up her true self. Revy goes through the series as the 'tough bad girl', when in reality, deep down inside, she uses all her heartache and pain to motivate her throughout life. When someone has so much pain held backin them for so long, it's not a very good idea to get in their way. Especially when they have an entire arsenal and their fingertips.


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